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Master Supply & Demand Trading (ULTIMATE In-Depth Guide)

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This is a COMPLETE Guide to Supply and Demand Trading, I will explain to you how I use Supply and Demand to get SNIPER entries when trading forex. It is a very SIMPLE trading strategy, but a lot of people try to overcomplicate it. I will show you how I find supply and demand zones and how to potentially get perfect entries from those zones. It is really important to actually understand what a supply and demand zone is, how it forms and what makes it valid.

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0:00 What you will Learn from this course
0:40 Supply & Demand explained for BEGINNERS
3:19 How to CORRECTLY find Supply & Demand Zones
6:50 SIMPLE Supply & Demand Trading Strategy (Entries & Exits)
12:34 How I Trade Supply & Demand (MY STRATEGY EXPOSED)

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ignore tags:
forex,trading,forex trading,forex market structure,how to trade market structure,forex analysis,forex strategy,price action,day trading,forex market,forex beginner strategy,technical analysis,market structure,trading fanatic,supply and demand trading,institutional strategy forex,order blocks forex strategy,smart money concepts,supply and demand,supply and demand trading strategy,supply and demand day trading,price action trading,price action guide,ultimate trading guide

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  1. Honestly i watched so many videos on trading.. what ive learnt from this guy in last 16mins is no way near compared to books, articles, fake gurus… this guys mind blowing!!!!

    • I agree. He makes it so simple and the charts are so clear. I’ve been watching tons of S&D videos & this is one of the best ones yet. Thank you for putting this out there.


    • it’s obvious.

      a lot of people remain poor due to ignorance, it’s better to take risks and make sacrifices than to stay poor

    • The best strategy to use in trading is to trade a professional who understands the market quite well, that way maximum profit is guaranteed. Because I have learned along the way of my investment that research and analysis are important, note that experience is more needed, than luck when it comes to the financial market.

    • This Bitcoin trading has set sail. I honestly cannot overemphasize how much delving into Bitcoin trading has helped saved and changed the lives of many.

    • Anyways not actually, what I know about trading almost on zilch lol. I make huge profits on my investment since I started trading with an Expert her trading strategies are top notch coupled with the little commission she charges on her trade.

  3. The rich stay by spending like the poor and investing without stopping while the poor stay poor by spending like the yet not investing like the rich. INVEST NOW!

  4. Watching your videos have increased my confidence in trading amidst the current situation. I understand it’s quite risky but I’m in it for the long term so I’m trying not to worry about the ups and downs. Thanks and keep up the good work.

    • Yeah, knowing how to react to most market conditions without emotions is key, especially with the instability in the market right now. Goodluck Thomas.

    • But don’t you think it would be better and reduce some sort of risk to have profes-sional guid-ance at hand, at least to improve your chances amidst the current situation.

    • @@kellymeghan4667 Of course, it would but the major issue would be to get someone with enough experience in the markets and trustworthy enough to handle your trades without monopolizing your funds. I’ve had bitter experiences in the past.

    • @@AlsaadUthman1063 In that case, you should check out Elizabeth Ernst David, I met her through a friend at work. She’s been handling his portfolio for a while and just recently started handling mine.

  5. We work for years to have , $1million while some people I know put thousand of dollars in some meme coins and they are millionaires.

    • I always wanted to trade crypto for a long time but the volatility in the price has been very confusing to me although I have watched many YouTube videos about it but I still find it hard to understand.

    • @@deanp..sanders9366 .First understanding the financial markets and how it works then you need to know how to study the market chart. That’s all you stand to when you start trade with a Mentor

    • Like the analyst, I am positive about crypto. I am sure that now it will begin to develop rapidly, it’s very difficult to give an accurate forecast, but I prefer to trade my Bitcoin and accumulate more.

    • @@deanp..sanders9366 .All you have to do as a beginner to make good profit in cryptocurrency is trade with a professional trader who Will always notify when to BUY/SELL else you make losses.

  6. To my understanding this just proves how much we need an edged as an investor because playing the market like everyone else just isn’t good enough. I’ve been quite ensured about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it’s the best time to get started on the market, what are your thoughts anyone?!

    • There are a lot of strategies to make tongue wetting profits especially in a down market but such sophisticated trades can only be carried out by proper market experts.

    • @@taxuantrung3268 That’s true , I’ve been getting assisted by an FA for almost a year now , I started out less than $200k and I’m just $19,000 short of half a million in profits.

    • @@laurasmith7156 She’s a highly sought out for advisor who I found on a CNBC interview where she was featured, you can look up her name on Google and reach out through her page. She understands the job perfectly.

  7. Fortunately, I had a college economics teacher that taught me a lesson at 18. That lesson was: for every purchase you make, you can’t buy something else. Varied sources of income is wise and especially living within your means. Think about taxes and how you get your income. I made $72k combined net last year and paid no Federal taxes.

    • Right there with you. I’m retiring early, no debt. Kids are taken care of. Building my dream home on 11 acres, looking over the river valley. there are loads of ways to make a killing right now, but such high-volume near impeccable tradess can only be carried out by real-time experts.

    • @@margaritasbunny Now you’ve gotten my attention. I have been into this for long and though I won’t say I have lost a fortune, but I have squandered quite a lot. If it’s not a problem, do you mind recommending the pro you worked with? I could definitely use the help of one right now… I look forward to your reply…

    • @@emilybrown2719 My adviser is “SUSAN AGNES HANCOCK” You can easily look her up. She has years of financial market experience and she is also FINRA & SEC verifiable

    • @@margaritasbunny Susan really seem to know her stuff. I found her online-page, read through her resume, educational background, qualifications and it was really impressive. She is a fiduciary who will act in my best interest. So, I booked a session with her

  8. I am aware that continuing to invest during periods of volatility can be a smart way to build wealth. I’ve heard testimonies of people accruing over $250k in this red period. What measures can I take to achieve this?

    • It’s a delicate season now, so you can do little or nothing on your own. Hence I will suggest you get yourself a professional that can provide you with entry and exit points on the securities you focus on.

    • We must consider safer investments with promising returns in order to plan for the future. If you approach investing with a five-year perspective and simply DCA whenever you receive a check. Under the direction of my investment advisor, “Jennifer Aaron Marcontell”, whose expertise in portfolio diversification is unsurpassed and client-focused, my portfolio has gained almost $643k since January 2022.

    • @@PhilipMurray251 Jennifer really seem to know her stuff. I found her website, read through her resume, educational background, qualifications and it was really impressive. She is a fiduciary who will act in my best interest. So, I booked a session with her

  9. Becoming a good trade takes time and patience. When i first got into trading i was liquidated twice, and lost my entire mortgage deposit. I could have given up, but decided to learn how to trade and put it into practice. 4 years later and i am glad i made that decision.

    • The stock market rally still appears to be in the midst of a normal pullback. I just sold my home in the Boca Grande area and I’m looking to remunerate a lump sum into the stock market before stocks rebound, came across a success story of an investors that made up to $700,000 in few months from investing just $250K and I’d really appreciate it if I could get clues and pointers on how to make better profit…

    • Making money from stocks look deceptively easy. The reality is that stock market is one of the toughest mental games in the world, hence i will suggest you get yourself a financial-advisor that can provide you with entry and exit points on the shares you focus on….

    • Having an investment advisor is the best way to go. Based on a direct encounter with a CFP named Deborah Sue Bohn, I can say with certainty that their skills are excellent. She helped raise over $580,000 in 18 months from an initially stagnant portfolio of $150,000.

    • @@Patriciacraig599 Thanks, I just googled her and I’m really impressed with her credentials. I reached out to her since I need all the assistance I can get.

  10. >>A share price is never low or high, it is what it is, what matters is whether it goes up or down from that point, I’m excited about the next bullrun as I’m buying as much as I can now, still words on the media says this crash has as much high-yielding possibilities as a bullrun, sure the risks are greater now, but they can be managed.

    • Having the knowledge is one thing and applying the strategies successfully is another, that’s why mostly pros carry such trades out

    • >>@@stefanrichards that’s true true, a lot of folks actually downplay the role of a portfolio-advisor these days. I remember couple summers back, after a lengthy divorce I needed a good boost to help my business stay afloat. With the aid of an portfolio-coach, grew my reserve of $300k to almost $850k that same year. Helped me

    • @@alejandrocorachan7003 Anytime I think about the my past lost feel like killing myself but thank god for life

  11. -This is quite educational. It’s crucial for newcomers to keep in mind that the financiaI markets are highly lrrationaI in the short run. You shouId constantIy be ready for the unexpected. That is how channce operates. Because of the lnherent riSks in the market, I aIways favor long-term investments.

    • these uncertaintries wouid aiways be there. Thing is, every 0nce in a whiIe, the marjet deos something so stupiq that it takes your breath away. lf youre n0t ready for it you shouId’nt be in the market busines s. or get a skiIIed practionerr.

    • Such market uncertainties are the reason I don’t base my market judgements and decisions on rumors’ and hear-says, it got the best of me in the year 2020 and had me hoIding worthIess positions in the market. I had to revamp my entire portfolio through the aid of Samantha Cecille Muncy my financial advisr, before I started seeing any significant resuIts happens in my portfoIio. Been using the same advisor since then and I’ve scaIed up a1most a mi11ion within 2 years. Whether a buIIish or down market, both makes for good prof!t, it aII depends on where you’re Iooking.

    • @@HugoArlo-rs6gl Not bad at all. I know a Iot of foIks that made fortunes from the Dotcom crash as weli as the 08’ crash and l’ve been 1ooking into simiIar opportunites in this present market. CouId this coach that guides you heIp?

    • ><​ @Reyansh Vivaan Finding financial advisors like who can assist you shape your p0rtfolio would be a very creative option. There will be difficult times ahead, and prudent personal money management will be essential to navigating them.

  12. Hello, I am a 71 year old guy who loves your instructional videos. I have watched many different gurus on youtube and I keep coming back to your channel…Great work, clear instruction…

  13. The greater the automated income you can build, the freer you will become. Taking the first step is the hardest, but 5 houses later living off automated income since July 6, 2020. You’ve got to start taking steps to achieve your goal.

  14. I began my investment journey at the age of 38, primarily through hard work and dedication. Now at the age of 42, I am thrilled to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time. This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier. It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity

    • Achieving significant returns isn’t about volatile stocks; it’s about effectively balancing risk and reward. Proper position sizing and leveraging your advantage repeatedly are essential, whether you’re a long-term investor or a day trader.

    • The Adviser I’m in touch with is *’Jude Ryan McDonough’* , he works with Merrill, Pierce, Smith incorporated and interviewed on CNBC Television. You can use something else. for me her strategy works hence my result. He provides entry and exit point for the securities I focus on.

    • Thanks, I just googled him I’m really impressed with his credentials. I reached out to him since I need all the assistance I can get.

  15. Great video, trading come with a lot of benefits And I have just bought my first house through it. As a beginner I was scared of loosing my savings but I’m glad I took the bold step that is now favoring me.

    • Big congratulations to you on your new house, but i will like to be your friend dear as well as sharing some ideas which you’re benefiting.

    • It’s fine but is all about having good investment plans, watching
      professional trading videos and most especially connecting with the right person the digital world is full of in unreal people I met some of them during my success journey. I felt same way when I started especially when you use demo account you might be winning but when you put in real money you start losing I understand and I pass through it all.
      I’m very happy I’m profitable now.

    • Currently i can attest to the fact that I make $13,000 weekly through trading which is more better then my monthly salary job. trading becomes my passive income.

  16. My absolute heartfelt thanks for your incredible contribution from *WILLIAM DORSEY* It is a testament to your nature that you acted so selfless, putting in this amount of time and effort in coaching me all about investments


  18. WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE TOWARDS YOUR KINDNESS TO OUR FAMILY mr. WILLIAM DORSEY WE ALL SAY THANKS YOU VERY MUCH MAAM, your online classes are top notch and one of the best instructor out there…


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