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HomeInvestors HealthThe Gift Of Timing • A Fool's Journey

The Gift Of Timing • A Fool’s Journey

I spend some of my time supporting people escaping the same doomsday cult I grew up in. One thing I see often is the realization moment—that lightbulb goes off, like this tiny, specific moment in time when they fully start to get it. They know without question not only what’s been going on, but that it was all intentional. And it hits. Hard.

Pretty much every single one of them, down to a person, wants to broadcast this newfound understanding to everyone they know. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t tend to go over well.

People can only hear what they’re ready to hear. And they only hear that when they’re ready to hear it.

But there’s more to these moments than just deciding whether to share. Once you’ve had that flash of clarity, you’re left with this big question: What do I do with this? 

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of us have those sorts of lightbulb moments this week. Like, bam! An insight so clear, it feels like a shiny prize in your hot little hands. You see it. You see others not seeing it. You know how much it could help, but you’re not sure if they’re ready—or even willing—to hear it.

So, what’s the plan? Do you share? Do you stay quiet? Sprinkle hints like breadcrumbs and hope for the best? What about the people who outright push back against your perspective—or when is the insight is just for you? And regardless, when do you start moving yourself? These are all valid questions, and they don’t come with automatic answers. That’s the vibe we’re navigating this week.

Next Week in the Cards

Pictured here from the Legacy of the Divine deck.

Outlook: Nine of Pentacles
We’ve come a long way—even recently—haven’t we? The Nine of Pentacles reflects wisdom gained through hard work and perseverance. It’s that sense of accomplishment you’ve refined through long-term, repeated attention and answers you’ve intentionally pursued.

Are we omniscient sages? Har! Not even close. But we’ve picked up some useful wisdom along the way—and it all counts. Celebrate the progress, but remember, it’s just that: progress. We’re not dead yet, so we’re not done yet. Life is always moving. We’re best to keep moving with it.

Advice: The Fool Reversed
Just because you’ve got newfound insight doesn’t mean you need to pack your bag on a stick and hand out flyers. The Fool reversed suggests caution—map your path before you take a leap. Take your time figuring out not only what you share and with whom, but also how you proceed yourself, acting upon the new information you’ve discovered.

The reversed Fool can be tempted to rush ahead or assume he’s learned it all when he’s only scratched the surface. Not every impulse needs to be acted on immediately, no matter how shiny. And not everybody will see things the way you do—or want to.

The message this week is to recognize what you’ve learned as a gift, but it’s not an obligation to act—or share—right away, or even ever. Take your time with your next steps. Know where you’re going and consider how your words and actions might land with others before you hit “send.”

Now, for you:
What insights are materializing on your radar? How will you decide what’s next and who you might share it with?

Legacy of the Divine, Nine of Pentacles

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