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Growth In Motion • A Fool’s Journey

Back when I busted up my leg a few years ago, I didn’t fully grasp what that meant.

I had the surgery, managed the pain and extended recovery. But I expected everything to eventually go back to ‘normal,’ like my leg would work just as it did before.

Nobody told me that’s not how it works.

I’m as healed as I’ll ever be. I can walk well enough and I don’t have frequent pain. But the trauma left its mark—vulnerabilities, sensitivities, that flare up under the right conditions.

Emotional trauma is no different.

Some experiences never completely leave you. They might stay quiet for years, as long as life doesn’t stir them up. But they leave a mark. You can heal, but you’ll always have a bit of a limp.

It’s not all bad, though. These experiences force us to adjust—walking more carefully, more intentionally. And in that adjustment, we gain something new: a deeper awareness, an earned wisdom and wider perspective.

That’s why the wounded often make the best helpers in healing. They understand on a level that’s not possible without their experiences.

That’s what I’ve been unpacking for myself recently—my inner wounded would-be healer.

What seeds have you been planting for years? Because right now, the harvest is beginning to roll in.

Next Week in the Cards

I needed a little light-hearted energy, so the Meows Tarot is our guide this week.

Outlook: Seven of Pentacles

We’re finally seeing the rewards of our long-term efforts. What this looks like depends on what you’ve been working toward.

Advice: The Chariot

Keep moving forward. You might feel pulled in different directions, but trust that you’re heading where you need to be.

What you’re reaping now is the result of your choices and persistence. This is the fruit of your efforts over the years. It wasn’t always easy, but there’s a payoff.

This isn’t just a reward—it’s nourishment from your journey. It feeds you because you’ve made it meaningful.

That’s the energy of The Chariot. The forces pulling you may not always agree, but with your determination, they’ll get you home. And home? It’s where you are your authentic self.

Now, for you:

What can you take from the fruit you’re harvesting right now? What long-term choices are paying off, and how can that nourishment help you get closer to your true ‘home’—your true self?

Meow’s Tarot, Seven of Pentacles, The Chariot

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