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High Returns from Low Risk proves that low-volatility, low-risk portfolios beat high-volatility portfolios hands down and shows you how to take advantage of this paradox to dramatically improve your returns. Investors...
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Day Trading 101: Learn How To Day Trade for Profit is a Book designed to teach you the visual power of price/volume spikes and drops occurring during consolidations and breakout patterns.This...
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FOREWORD BY BRAD SMITH, VICE CHAIR AND PRESIDENT OF MICROSOFTDiscover how AI leaders and researchers are using AI to transform the world for the betterIn AI for Good: Applications in Sustainability,...
The probate system is “almost universally corrupt,” extracts “unconscionable profits” and is controlled by “local party bosses” primarily for grift and political gain.At least that’s how Norman Dacey depicted probate in his bestselling book How to Avoid Probate!...
Could hiring a financial advisor help you reach financial independence and retire early? This isn’t a popular move in the FIRE community, but it gave today’s guest peace of mind, preserved her wealth, and helped her save on...