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Come closer... I want to tell you a secret...Did you know—despite what you may have heard—even the most acclaimed investment professionals struggle to outperform the market? This includes the big hedge funds, the active fund managers,...
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Produce enough income to retire and make market volatility your very best friend.Steve Selengut, a 44-year investment professional, teaches you a simple yet little-known system for investing in the stock market that shouldn't be a secret...
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Why do so many educated, driven, experienced business people fail at Stock Market Investing? Investors don't fail due to lack of education, or lack of smarts. Investors fail because they lack the psychological tools for investing...
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Technical indicators are computations based on a security or financial instrument's price and/or volume, such as a stock, currency, or commodity. Traders and investors use these calculations to assess market movements and make trading decisions; these...
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If you struggling to predict you will the market head flow, now it has become less guesswork for you. this book is the turning point in your trading endeavor. The book describes color continuation and that...
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Reactive Publishing In the fast-paced world of finance, the edge goes to those who can seamlessly blend technology with trading strategy. "Algorithmic Trading: How to Effectively Profit with Python" is your ultimate guide to mastering algorithmic...