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Fundamental Analysis SIMPLIFIED: The Ultimate Guide for Traders

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  1. Keep up the GOOD WORK Nick, I started my own YouTube channel to document my own journey as a trader.
    Not too many people are talking about fundamentals and they wonder why the market dropped 100 pips not knowing GDP or rate decision just came out… πŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸŒŸ

  2. thank you so much Nick. this video is so useful. i will watch again this video and write all detail on my Forex book. thank you again. Happy Trading!

    • Thanks for watching and feedback, I am always available for questions, guidance and support at any time . Write…ME

      *+1 =2 =2 =4 =5 =7 =0 =4 =0 =5 =3=*@ .. W> H> A> T> S> A> P> P.>

  3. I have been trading forex for 7 years & thanks to you , for the first time. I understand foundationals & how use it to do my trades. Great job champ πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

    • Pretty much the same lmaoo. January will make 6 years for me and I’m finally biting the bullet and learning fundamentals.

    • @@anemicbeats Yes, but since my account size up until around 1.5 years ago wasn’t much, my profits weren’t either.. most people forget that being profitable doesn’t mean it will sustain your lifestyle. Making $50 a month is technically β€œprofitable”. The beautiful thing is prop firms are now more easily accessible and really shorten the process for skilled traders. My trading didn’t essentially change anything in my life until I joined a prop firm. I’ve made twice as much in the last year and a half than I did in the prior 4.

      Focus on the skill.. the money will always be a byproduct of it. This has been the greatest decision of my life… but it took 5 years just for me to be able to quit my job.

    • @@BigWickEnergy_ Yeah I’m not focused on the money yet, im focused on the skill. It’s just hard to accept it’ll take longer than i anticipated ( been at it for a year) and expected to be profitable by now, but it is what it is. Ill take the time to learn and develop. Do you have a recommended strategy? Or any materials i can benefit from, books, specific videos ect.

    • @Steeve asensi fundamentals take time to play out fully. 2 steps of fundamentals: short term: news shock, long term: value based (Impact on GDP and Purchasing Power Parity (inflation/Money Supply). Scalp either news shock or omit fundamentals altogether and focus supply demand.

  4. Thank you so much for breaking this down and I can’t believe how much of a spark you ignited by helping me understand this trio. The way you broke it down help me see the Whole thing as a balloon lol

  5. Omg watching this going into the end of 2022. Watching what is being explained unfold(ed) and all the light bulbs are going on! Thank you (specially for the graph!!!)

  6. one of the biggest fundemenyals that you missed is speculation. Investors might sometimes speculate the value of a currency going up. And then they will buy buy buy. and even if their speculation was wrong, if a lot of investors act upon the speculation, it actually will bring the value of the currency up

  7. Thank you trader nick by helping us understand in the simplest way how fundamental analysis works in the forex market, btw, new subscriber here! πŸ™‚


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